Student Competition Teams

正规博彩十大网站排名的学生竞赛队是充满活力的学生领导的团体 in academic competitions across the nation and internationally.

如果你有关于比赛团队的问题,我们很乐意听到你的声音. Please email us below.

email Competition Team Directory

Formula One Competition Team

Forms for Teams

Alumni Allocation Request Form

前受奖人拨款申请表格是用于资金申请的,包括信息 关于分配流程,时间表,竞赛团队标准,演示指南 and more.

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Various widgets and machine parts.

Parts and Materials Form

零件和材料申请表用于索取必要的零件和材料 for the successful participation in various competitions.

为了优化我们的服务,我们设计了商品订单 for your convenience when procuring supplies for your prototypes. Accessible through 在学生竞赛网站上,此表格以Excel电子表格的形式呈现.



Team Order Form Instructions

请完整填写此表格,包括填妥的参赛队伍订购单 Form.

注:当与新供应商合作时,如果该供应商不在我们的系统中,则为供应商 可能需要注册表格,请参阅业务运营专员 cases.

缺少、不准确或不完整的信息将影响此表单的速度 processed and materials are ordered. If you are ordering parts and materials from different vendors, please complete the form for each vendor separately.

所有参赛作品的信件将发送到正规博彩十大网站排名学生或比赛邮箱 provided.


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Air/Lodging/Car Rental Payment Request Form

创建此旅行表单是为了处理机票和/或住宿的支付. Airfare 和住宿应在完成之前通过国际旅行计划预订 and submitting this form.

Please fill out this form in its entirety. Missing, inaccurate, or incomplete information will affect how quickly this form is processed.

所有参赛作品的信件将发送到正规博彩十大网站排名学生或比赛邮箱 provided.

Please allow 3-5 business days for the processing of each submission. For questions, please use the contact form on the competition team website.

登记/酒店付款和/或机票优先级应传达给 业务运营专员,如果提交是接近付款截止日期.

For airfare and hotels, work with:

Travel Planners International

Nicole Hodge

1300 Ridenour Blvd Suite 152
Kennesaw, Georgia 30152
Office Phone: 770 984 2504
Cell: 678 848 2426

一旦收到旅行社的确认文件,请填写和 submit the travel form.

Air/Lodging Payment Request Form

Travel Expense Report Submission Form

差旅费用报告提交表用于报销注册费等费用, hotel accommodations, 以及旅行中发生的运输费用和旅行结束后完成的运输费用. 

view Travel Expense form
Photo of US currency.

Reimbursement Form

此报销表用于报销参赛队伍的费用. 创建此表单是为了处理与所发生的费用有关的个人报销 for the student competition team/RSO. It is important that prior to using this form 你要确保申请报销的人在肯尼索州 University system as a registered student vendor.

收到业务专员的批准后,请填写 this form in its entirety. If instructed by the Business Operations Specialist, complete the Student Vendor Registration Form in its entirety. Missing, inaccurate, or incomplete information will affect how quickly this form is processed and reimbursements issued. All correspondence for each submission will go through the 正规博彩十大网站排名 email provided.

Please note: The university cannot reimburse sales tax. For questions, please use the contact form on the competition team website.

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Conference Registration Form

会议注册报销表是为了确保参加比赛的注册 team conferences and events. Designed for the purpose of handling conference and/or competition registration, this form streamlines the process.

需要通过个人方式注册会议/比赛的RSO团体/团队 用户凭证,我们建议安排与业务运营专家的会议. This collaborative approach ensures smooth and coordinated registration.

Please complete the Conference Registration Form in its entirety. 

请务必与业务运营专员合作,以确保注册过程的安全.  In certain instances, 各队必须安排一个时间一起登录会议网站,以确保个别学生的注册.

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People in line registering for a conference.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名的学生竞赛队是由学生管理的竞赛组织 in academically related competitions. Teams travel around the nation (and the world) 代表高丽大学与其他大学竞争.
  • 参赛队伍仅限于目前在读的攻读学位的学生. 特定的团队可能有额外的需求,例如培训、强制性会议等. It’s best to contact a specific team for more information.
  • No. 尽管一些竞赛团队专门专注于某一特定领域的学术工作(如.g. 机械工程或外交政策),团队向所有专业的成员开放. It’s helpful to remember that in addition to their competition, teams are also student organizations needing assistance with marketing, finances, recruitment, and other team functions.
  • GHC students can participate in some aspects of competition teams at 正规博彩十大网站排名. They can 协助校园团队的准备或建设工作,但他们可以 不担任团队的官员或与团队一起旅行和/或在比赛中与团队竞争 competition.
  • 双招生学生可以参加正规博彩十大网站排名的某些方面的比赛团队. 他们可以协助校园团队的准备或建设工作,但是 他们不得在团队中担任官员或与团队一起旅行和/或竞争 at the competition.
  • Contact the individual team. Visit the Competition Teams Directory to find the team you are interested in joining. You'll join the team by visiting Owl Life. 在大多数情况下,成员被要求参加会议并协助团队运作. 
  • Yes. Membership is not limited to one competition team. That being said, before joining 多个团队,你应该考虑两个团队除了你的义务 academic coursework and other responsibilities.
  • 参赛队伍首先是注册学生组织(RSOs). 因此,创建一个新的竞赛团队的第一步将是研究 steps to creating a new RSO. In addition, 参赛队伍只附属于赞助队伍活动的学术部门. Based on the type of team you are considering creating, you should contact the appropriate academic department as well. 最后,如果你需要任何额外的帮助或见解,请随时联系 Department of Student Activities for assistance.